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How Much to Seal Pavers? The True Cost of Sealing Pavers!!!

Nowadays, pavers are commonly used in flooring driveways and other small pathways. Pavers must be sealed for quality output and a long-life span. Sealing the pavers ensures that the installation can last longer. You can seal the pavers when you have first built the pavers and after some time when you notice that the sealant is damaged. Whatever the moment you are going to seal the pavers, the question “How much to seal pavers?” will pop up in your mind. You can find answers to that question by referring to this article.

How Important is Sealing Pavers?

When sealing, you apply one thin coat or two as your preference and necessity. And it is a protective covering above the pavers. Sealing the pavers is important because of the following factors.

  • You can minimize or avoid fading, and discolouration happens on the pavers.
  • The strong sunlight and heavy rain could harm or damage the pavers. And sealing can protect it.
  • Also, sealing helps to avoid weeds and different little plants. The roots of these plants can harm the foundation of the pavers as they can grow under the paved area.
  • To avoid shifting and losing the pavers because of washing away the sand, the best solution is to use a sealant. Sealant gives you a quality finish look
  • Last but not least, sealing prevents any stains from oil, water or any other substance and the growth of mould as well.

How Much does It Cost to Seal Pavers?

On average, it is between 1$ to 5$ per square meter. But the cost to seal pavers can vary depending on several factors, including the area to be sealed, the region, the paver type and the complexity of the installation. Additional costs will be added to the factors such as the porousness of the paver, labour cost, and to the sealant as well if you haven’t bought the sealant yourself. And if you are sealing your paver for the second or third time, the cost will be a bit expensive as they charge for the cleaning and repairing process as well.

However, please note that the prices can vary other than these mentioned prices and factors. Therefore, it is best to contact several local contractors in your area and ask about their costs and what are the additional requirements they need.

That will get you more accurate details on the cost of sealing pavers. Contact those who are specialized or experienced in paver sealing and ask them to provide you with a detailed quote.

What are the Different Types of Sealants for Pavers and Their Costs?

There are different types of paver sealers, and the different types of pavers need sealers that match them. Some of the sealer types that are widely in use are water-based sealer, siloxane-based sealer and Ure-Seal.

Water-based sealers that are used to seal brick or clay pavers are the least expensive, but they will also be a bit expensive if you buy your sealer from a well-known brand. Ure-Seal is a high-performance cleaner and affordable sealer for natural stone pavers such as marble and travertine.

The prices of the sealers start average from 50$ and go on depending on the number of gallons, quality and brand.

Therefore, when choosing a sealant, check whether it goes with your paver type and gives its best performance, including protection against various elements, the best stabilization and the level of enhancement for your preference for a worthy price.

How Much does It Cost to Hire a Professional to Seal Pavers?

Hiring a professional will be much cheaper because he or she has more of the necessary equipment and chemicals to seal the pavers. On a rough estimation, it is said that a professional will charge an amount between 1$ to 3$ per square meter.

Besides the cost, you will have an appealing result by contacting a professional to seal your pavers. It might not be the cheapest investment, but it will prevent costing more money on your pavers for a long time.

How Much does It Cost to Hire a Professional to Seal Pavers

The cost to hire a professional to seal pavers depends on the aspects such as the size of the paver area, the condition of your paver, the region, etc. Therefore, it is better to contact several professionals in your area and ask about the cost of each one of them by providing a detailed description of your paver.

Can you Save Money by Sealing Pavers Yourself?

Yes, you can save some amount of money when sealing the pavers by yourself. It doesn’t cost you the labour cost. It will cost you the sealer, necessary equipment, sand and any other rentals or needed material supplies. And the full cost will be around 700$. But when you hire a professional, depending on various conditions, it might cost 1000$ approximately.

However, you should keep in mind that it will minimize future damages when you hire an expert to seal the pavers than doing the task by yourself. Therefore, before sealing the pavers by yourself, at least get advice, and if it seems to be harder, immediately get professional help. Otherwise, it will cost you more if you damage your pavers.

What Factors Should Be Considered When Deciding to Seal Pavers?

The following are the factors that should be considered when deciding to seal pavers.

The Time that you are Sealing your Pavers

Here, I mean considering whether you are sealing the pavers for the first time or the second or third time. Because when sealing for the second or third time, it will be very much different than the first time sealing the pavers. You have to wash and remove the stains and any caked dirt on the pavers as well.

Porousness of the Paver

If your paver has lots of porous, you have to apply more of the sealant to cover them.

The Area of the Paver

The area of the paver is a main factor to consider when sealing the pavers. It affects the cost mainly. It doesn’t mean that you cost more when the area of the paver gets larger. When buying in bulk, the cost of the sealer might be reduced a bit, and professionals will also reduce their cost per square meter.

Location of the Paver and the Region

The cost of the materials and the cost of hiring professionals vary from region to region. And also, we should consider the location where the paver is situated in. If the location is where you can reach easily, it might cost less than a place where you can’t reach easily.

The Condition of the Application

You must consider the condition of the pavers before sealing them. After considering the condition take necessary actions to be done before applying sealants.

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Video Credits – Perfect Paver Co

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