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Does Gravel Hurt Dog’s Paws? (Protecting Your Dog’s Paws)

Have you ever wondered, does gravel hurt dogs’ paws? Umm…Yes, although the dogs’ paws are thick and withstand rough surfaces, gravel can hurt them sometimes. There are various types of gravel. You need to know that, like humans and any other animals, the tolerances for pain are different from one to another. So, some dogs can be hurt by one type of gravel while other dogs hurt by a different type of gravel. If your dog is walking and running on gravel comfortably, you should feel relaxed that he has tough paws! For a better understanding, read this article and take care of your pet. 

How Sensitive Are Dog’s Paws?

Dogs’ paws are sensitive like humans’ feet. A paw of a dog has five parts. Claws are the part that helps them to get an excellent grip on surfaces. The middle parts absorb the shock and give him a good balance by bearing the weight when the dog is moving. The carpel pad can be found on the proximal end of the pow, and it helps to balance its body on steep surfaces.

The paws can be hurt by walking and running on some surfaces. And environmental factors affect them as well. Heat, hot surfaces, and icy cold surfaces are beyond what they can tolerate. So they can injure your pet’s paws. Also, while walking and running on some surfaces, foreign objects can get stuck between the paw pads. Foreign objects like pebbles, broken objects, broken glass pieces, and splinters can hurt them as their paws are very sensitive.

Does Gravel Hurt Dog’s Paws?

Yes. Gravel can hurt dogs’ paws depending on a few factors.

First, let’s consider the dogs’ paws. Some dogs’ paws are rough, while others’ paws are not. As human feet, their paws get rougher with age and use. Also the breed of the dog affects this as well. For example, if you have a puppy, you should be extra careful about his paws. Even though the paw pads and nails are somewhat rough, the gravel also can hurt your dog’s paw skin as well.

When considering the gravel, the size of the gravel can affect the pain in the dogs’ paws. And also, foreign objects like broken glass pieces, large pebbles which lie with gravel, and sharp pieces of stones can injure the dogs’ paws and hurt them.

Those foreign objects can be stuck in the nails or between the paw pads causing discomfort for the dog. When the gravel gets too hot with the sunlight in the afternoon, it can burn the paws of your dog. And in the winter season, the same goes for the cold weather and ice as well. So, if you have laid gravel all over your garden, take early precautions so that it will not harm your pet’s paws.

Signs of Paw Injuries in Dogs

We already discussed that walking on gravel can hurt dogs’ paws. When the paws are injured or hurt, here’s how you can identify that.

You can identify it from the behavior of your pet. See whether your dog is chewing or licking its paws or a specific part on the paws excessively. Also, your dog will not be interested in walking or running like on other days.

You can notice tears in its eyes and a smell coming from its paws. If the injuries are too painful, the dog will whimper in sad.

As for visible symptoms, check whether there are cuts or abrasions on the paw. Additionally, see for inflammation, redness, or bleeding as well.

If your dog’s paws are hurt, there can also be limping. The nails can also be cracked and torn, and there will be loose flaps on paw pads and skin. Also, see whether there are any stuck foreign objects in their nails and between the paw pads.

How to Protect Dogs Paws on Gravel?

If you are concerned or afraid that your dog’s paws might get hurt or injured, the following steps will help you.

As the parent of your pet, keep his paws healthy. On a hot day, check the usual walking paths of your dog for hot gravel and foreign objects.

Test the temperature of the gravel by keeping your hand in contact with the surface for about 15 minutes if it is discomfort for you or for your pet as well. And also, check whether there are any visible pieces of glass or any other sharp objects that might hurt the paws of your dog. Also, don’t let your dog’s paws get in contact with the de-icing salt, as it might be irritating and cause cracks on the paws. 

It is better if you can use a moisturizing balm or wax for your dog’s paws after a good walk or a run.

Check for any foreign objects embedded between the paw pads and trim the nails of the toes routinely as well. And also, try to avoid gravel paths that can injure the paws of your pet due to the size of the gravel. Always take care of your pet!

Do Dogs Like to Walk on Rock?

Yes. Because the surface is rough, dogs like to walk on rocks. They do not like to walk on surfaces such as polished marble, smooth hardwood, and slippery concrete, which are sealed. But you should avoid taking him on walks on roads with rocks if your pet is walking without comfort.

Do Dogs Like to Walk on Rock

What is the Best Gravel for Dog’s Paws?

Many people recommend that pea gravel is best for your dog’s paws as they are safe and smooth, not to be wedged or stuck up between the paw pads. However, whatever the gravel you are using, be careful not to use sharp gravel as it might scratch or badly injure your pet’s paws.

What is the Best Surface for Dog’s Walking?

Grass or dirt, such as dried leaves and organic matter, is the easiest and safest surface for your dog. As the surface stays cool in warm weather and warm in cold weather, it will provide comfort for your pet. It may be a bit difficult when cleaning and washing your dog when he is all over the dirt, but at least it will keep him safe from injuries.

Using wooden platforms over the gravel is also a good idea but use dog-friendly paint to color the platform.

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Video Credits – PetTube

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