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How Much Does Fieldstone Cost? Is It Cheaper Than Brick?

Fieldstone is often used as a building material with its natural look. They are very versatile and can be used in decorating your premises, but how much does fieldstone cost? You will end up with this question when you are impressed by the beautiful structures you see on the internet in your background search. Read below to find the answer. 

What Is Fieldstone Used For?

When you need a more natural vibe in your patios, a floor made of fieldstones will add an earthy colour to your theme. Fieldstone flooring will last for a lifetime with minimal maintenance. Unlike wood, it will remain stable in any weather condition.

Fieldstones are ideal for walkways in your garden, and if you need an attractive renovation in your garden, you can add some garden walls with fieldstone. It also will protect your bed’s soil in heavy rains. Enhance the parts of your garden with a few stairs made of fieldstone, and you will admit that it is the best upgrade. 

The rustic look of these stones makes them suitable for even the walls of your dream house. When you need to add a decorative wall, natural-looking walls made with fieldstone can level up your house’s diversity. 

Is Natural Stone Cheaper Than Brick?

Natural stone is rare to find. Therefore, it will be pricier than the other building materials like brick and manufactured stones. If you choose to move on with brick, you could get a unit for a price between $1.20 – $1.80. It will be like $5 per square foot. On average, the natural stone project will cost around $30 – $48 per square foot. The price may vary according to the type of stone you use. If you use manufactured stones, you will be able to save more than using natural stones. 

Many natural stone types like granite, fieldstone, sandstone, limestone, and bluestone are used to construct various interior and outdoor structures in modern architecture and landscaping. If you use granite, you will have to spend nearly $40 – $50 per square foot without labour costs. 

Although the material cost is higher for natural stones, in the installation, the labour cost for a square foot is less than for a brick wall. Usually, you could see a difference of nearly $10 – $20. Therefore, the difference in the total sum of natural stone and brick installations will be minimal. 

How Much Does Fieldstone Cost?

One ton of fieldstone will cost you around $80 – $180. The price may vary according to the type of fieldstone you purchase. The location and the dealer are the other factors affecting the average price. The prices of the dealers differ as per their services and expenses. It is better if you visit a few stores and compare the prices.

You can also negotiate in the visits to dealers and get additional discount. If you wait for the off-season, the prices will be dropped considerably. You could save more if you start your projects later in the fall or winter. 

Installing fieldstone is not an easy task. You will need to hire a professional for the work. So, you must plan the budget with the labour costs. If your neighbours have done a similar project earlier, you could get some recommendations from them. Usually, you will be charged $25 – $75 per square foot. The price will vary according to your location. There may be changes in unit price based on the company or the contractor too.

How Much is a Pallet of Fieldstone?

A pallet of fieldstone will present different price ranges. In general, you should expect to pay around $ 180 – $ 300 per pallet. Sometimes the price may increase up to $ 500. 

The type of fieldstone you use, your geographical location, shipping rates and the dealership will change the pallet’s price. To get the best price and quality material, we suggest visiting a few stores near the destination is the wisest practice. When selecting the dealers, you can also refer to a friend’s suggestion or ask about your neighbour’s experiences.

If your project is complex, you will have to hire a mason. When calculating the budget plan, you must also pay attention to labour costs. 

How Much Does Tennessee Fieldstone Cost?

Tennessee fieldstone cost will depend on the type and the size. If you need medium-stack Tennessee fieldstone, you need to spend nearly $220 – $250 per ton. If you are referring to a thin stack, the average price of one ton will be around $300; if you purchase medium-regular the price changes. 

We also have identified a slight difference in prices of Tennessee fieldstone according to the selling company. In addition, your total bill will be calculated with the transport fees. Choosing a closer store to your house is ideal if you need to reduce this extra expense. 

How Much Does Tennessee River Rock Cost?

Tennessee river rocks that come from Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee have different prices according to the size. If you need to purchase a 2-5 inches size, it will be around $75 per scoop. When it comes to a type that matches ponds, you will need to spend about $175 per ton. 

There are many size versions at various prices. These elements differ from one dealer to another. You will have to visit several places to find the best matching Tennessee river rock type for your need. Do not forget to negotiate to have more discount.

How Many Square Feet Does a Ton of Fieldstone Cover?

The number of square feet covered by a ton of fieldstone cannot be stated as a fixed value. The area covered by a ton always depends on the size of the fieldstone you use. For instance, let’s take a ton from a mix that has 4 – 6 inches rocks; it will be able to cover approximately 80 -90 square feet.  

Always get the support of a skilled professional to estimate the number of tons and coverage.

What is the Cheapest Stone to Buy?

Crushed granite is one of the cheapest landscaping stones that can be used to cover around large trees or flower beds. The price will be around $40 – $50 per yard. Pea gravel, which has a price of about $30 – $60 per ton; crushed limestone, with a minimum of $30 per ton and decomposed granite, with an average of $25 – $50 per ton, are some other budget-friendly natural stone types. 

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