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Are Travertine Pavers Slippery? Stay Safe and Stylish

There are different kinds of pavers that are specialized to decorate particular landscaping. When you want to choose a paver for your pool area, you have to consider some additional factors for your own safety because there are some pavers which can be slippery when they are wet. Thus, today we are going to discuss the possibility of using travertine for your pool area. They can make your pool area charming, but you should question whether they are safe to use. Are travertine pavers slippery? If you are wondering whether travertine can bring you accidents, this blog post will clarify all your doubts. 

Is Travertine Good For Wet Areas?

We can identify various types of travertine, and they are extracted from natural resources. There are small spots in travertine, and they can be designed to resist frost and cold. And it is less abrasion-resist, so you cannot use them in high-traffic environments. Thus, they are more suitable for low-traffic environments like backyards. After extracting travertine from natural resources, they are subjected to different procedures.

As a result, there are different travertine varieties with unique finishes. Among them, some travertine finishes are good for wet areas, while others are not. In order to use a paver for a wet area, the paver needs to have friction. Travertine can be created as it can resist slipperiness.

Are Travertine Pavers Naturally Slippery?

Travertine is not naturally slippery. But when they are finely polished, they can be slippery, especially when they come into contact with liquids. Travertine is a natural material which forms in places where limestone and hot water combine. In fact, travertine is a kind of limestone. They have many charming colours. And also, it has a cooling effect. The texture of natural travertine is porous.

Therefore, it is not naturally slippery. After extracting from mines, the stones have to pass a procedure. According to the specific progress, the texture of travertine varies. When they are polished, they can be slippery, while unpolished travertine is safe to use in pool areas and bathrooms.

Why Are Travertine Pavers Slippery?

If you use polished or honed travertine, the surface will not be safe; it can be slippery. The SCOF rating, which determines the slip resistance of polished travertine, ranges from .40 to .50, while honed travertine’s rating is from .40 to .60. Accordingly, they are smooth so someone can slip on the paver, especially if it is wet.

And if you have applied a topical sealer on your pavers, it can be slippery when it is wet. Thus, it is a must to use a high-quality and impregnating sealer on your pavers.

Do Travertine Pavers Get Slippery When Wet?

Some travertine finishes can be slippery, while others are not. You have to examine the force, footwear and surface condition when choosing a travertine type. When you want to choose a paver for your backyard, you have to consider the SCOF (Static co-efficient of friction) ratings. It shows the slip resistance of each paver, considering the friction caused by the material.

Polished travertine has the lowest SCOF rating, so you might slip on polished travertine. But Honed travertine is better than polished travertine because its SCOF value is higher. The best type of travertine is tumbled and brushed finished travertine because their SCOF value is the highest. Thus, those varieties are the most suitable ones for wet areas like pool decks.

How Do You Make Travertine Not Slippery?

You are advised to apply a sealer to your travertine paver in order to make it non-slippery. Sealers can prevent stains and mildew on your pavers too. Consequently, you can have a luster and durable deck. It would be better to apply a sealer every five years to keep the good condition of your travertine pavers. Here are the instructions to follow to achieve a non-slippery deck.

  1. First of all, you should clean the paving surface. It is highly recommended to use a cleaning solution which is suitable for the sealer as well. Because those products contain some chemicals, and they need to be compatible with each other. After cleaning the area, let the pavers dry well.
  2. Secondly, you should spray some water on your pavers. Then, wait for a while, but a small amount of dew needs to remain on the surface. Now, you can coat the sealer on your paver with the help of a roller brush.
  3. Then let the coating set on the paver for at least half an hour.
  4. Mostly, manufacturers instruct to apply a second coat. So, according to their instructions, coat the sealer for the second time.
  5. You have to let the sealer set on the paver for up to 48 hours without allowing the usual traffic.

How Do You Make Travertine Not Slippery?

How To Maintain Travertine Pavers?

Here are some important tips for maintaining your travertine pavers.

To clean your travertine pavers, you can use a water hose and a suitable cleaning solution. If you do not have one, you can mix some baking soda in water and rinse the pavers. Indeed, baking soda can help to get rid of some stubborn stains on your pavers. Do not use any harsh chemicals or tools to scrub the paver; they can damage the outer layer of travertine since this is a natural stone. It would be better to mop your travertine pavers at least once a week to prevent dust build-ups. Sealing is also an important part of the maintenance. You should seal the pavers using a good-quality sealer once every five years.

Can Water Damage The Travertine?

In general, travertine is water-resistant. That is why it is mostly used for pool areas. However, if you do not maintain your pavers regularly, the water may damage it. The reason why, when you carelessly keep soaked clothes on your pavers, there will be water infiltration. As a result, the pavers can be dented over time. Sometimes, you will notice mold and mildew on your pavers, too, then the pavers will lose their beautiful look. In order to prevent these cases, you should seal your travertine pavers. And regular maintenance can also help to minimize water damage.

Here’s an interesting Video,

VIDEO CREDITS: American Paving Design LLC YouTube Channel

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